I started running in 2010 as a weight loss technique after baby #2. It took many (MANY) attempts at a couch to 5K program before I finally succeeded in running (as in no waking) for 3 miles! What finally helped was running with a girl friend and chatting away as we ran!

That same friend convinced me to sign up for the Grand Rapids Half after that successful 3 mile run. I never intended to really run it. I doubted I could really do it. But somehow my training progressed through the summer and in October 2011 I became a Half marathoner!

Since then I’ve completed 4 marathons and several half’s. I’ve definitely caught the bug. I joined RunGR, a local running group, and have made many close friends through our hours on the road together.

It’s time for me to give back to the running community. Pacers helped me finally break 2-hours in the inaugural Gazelle Girl and I want to help someone else meet their goals.